Hire Expert Architectural talent for Your Projects

Post your service needs and receive proposals from talented freelancers. Select the best fit to elevate your projects.

1. Sign Up and Submit Job Details

Easy Registration
Create a free account and fill out the dynamic job form with your project specifics.
Detailed Descriptions
Provide as much detail as possible to attract the right freelancers.
Project Deadline
Set the project deadline according to your preferences for freelancer to submit their work on time.

2. Admin Review and Verification

Verification Call
Our team verifies your job details via a call to ensure accuracy.
Job Approval
Once verified, your job is approved and goes live on the platform.
Status Updates
Receive notifications about your job's approval status.

3. Receive Freelancer Bids

Competitive Bidding
Receive bids from qualified freelancers eager to work on your project.
Profile Review
Review freelancer profiles, including past work and reviews, to make an informed decision.
Compare Bids
Compare bids and work samples to choose the best one for your project needs.

4. Select Freelancer and Make Payment

Choose the Best Fit
Select the freelancer whose bid and profile best match your needs.
Secure Payment
Pay the bid amount to Builtdesign, which is held securely in escrow.
Escrow Protection
 Ensure your payment is safely held until the project is completed to your satisfaction.

5. Freelancer Works and Submits

Project Execution
The freelancer begins working on your project, keeping you updated on progress.
Milestone Tracking
Track progress and ensure milestones are met.
Communication Tools
 Use our platform’s tools to communicate and collaborate effectively.

6. Review and Approve Work

Quality Check
Review the submitted work and ensure it meets your expectations.
Release Payment
Once satisfied, approve the work and release the payment from escrow.
Provide Feedback
Give feedback to help freelancers improve and for future clients to see.